- TBD: Community Beach Cleanup – boots and gloves recommended, meet at the pavilion, buckets and trash pickup sticks provided, all are welcome to help us prepare for a great beach season
- May 3, 2025, I Love My Park Day, Park cleanup and membership event, details TBD
- May 24, 2025: Casey’s Cottage Opens, Saturdays and Sundays from 2:00 – 4:00 pm
- July 13, 2025, 3:00 pm – after dark: Annual Band Concert and Fireworks (free) (Rain Date – August 3, 2025)
- TBD; William Shakespeare Play performed by Center Stages (free)
- August 31, 2025, at 4 pm: Casey’s Cottage Closes for the Season
In addition to these scheduled public events, portions of the park are often reserved for private events by individuals and groups. If you want to reserve park facilities for your special event, such as a Wedding, you can submit a request at the Reservations page.
William Casey Woodcarving Project